Module ONE

Assessing Career Interests- Skills and Interests Self Assessment
How many times are learners asked, “What do you want to do when you graduate from high school?” It’s not an easy question to answer unless they have taken the time to evaluate their values, interests, aptitudes, abilities, personal traits and desired future life style. In order to make an informed decision, learners must assess their career interests and discover who they are.An understanding of self will help them to evaluate the best educational options and career alternatives suited to them.

Consider the questions below as you go about learning what career fits your personality:

1. What are your current interests and hobbies?

2.What skills or special talents do you have?

3.What kind of work would you most like to do?

4.Do your skills and interests influence your life and school decisions?

5.Where could you obtain information related to job possibilities and career interests?

Dream Job
Exercise 1.1: What is My “Ideal” or Dream Job?
You will use to write a one paragraph (8 sentences) rationale on what you consider to be your ‘ideal’ job.
  • Description of the ideal job based on your current knowledge.

Exercise 1.2: Take an Online Interests Survey
You will take this 60 questions self-evaluation survey to identify what career paths are ideal for you. Type theory suggests that human behavior is not random but predictable and classifiable. What type you are says quite a bit about you -- your likes and dislikes, your likely career choices, your compatibility with others, and so on.

You have surely realized that not everyone thinks, works, or acts like you. It is easy to label co-workers or friends as lazy or disorganized when their behavior does not match your expectations, but such name calling rarely helps us understand personality differences.

First discussed back in the 1920s by the psychologist Carl Jung, type theory suggests that human behavior is not random but predictable and classifiable. According to this theory, everyone is born predisposed to certain personality preferences.

After completing the survey there will be a four letter code that appears, copy down that code to identify your suggested career path.Click on the following link to see exactly what your results indicate.

Exercise 1.3: Career Interests Guessing Game
After you have seen your own results- Does your career match your “ideal” job selection? (Please make sure to type up your response in your Module I folder. You response should be at least 3 sentences.)

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